Travis Pruski
Chief Operating Officer
Travis Pruski has experience both as a public official and a public administrator. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Texas in 2002, Travis returned home to Poth, Texas where he served as Mayor from 2004 to 2013. In 2017, he was appointed by Governor Gregg Abbott for a six-year term as a Member of the Nueces River Authority’s Board of Directors. In 2020, Travis resigned from the Board and soon became the Authority’s first Director of Planning.
Travis was recently named NRA’s Chief Operating Officer and serves as the Political Sponsor for the Region N Water Planning Group, and the Region 13 Flood Planning Group.
Travis, his wife Denise and their two daughters reside in Poth, Texas.
The Operations Division of the Nueces River Authority was recently created to accommodate the continual growth of the organization. The Chief Operating Officer is responsible for the departments of Planning, Water Utilities Operations, Water Quality, and the Leakey Regional Wastewater System, Flood Plain Management and the Authority Grant Writing activities. This division is tasked with funneling the organization in unison with the Strategic Plan and represents the authority by continuously meeting with public officials, consultants, and the public regarding land use and facility needs. Using the tools established by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and other state and federal agencies, the department pilots’ standards for development, facilitates financing prospects, and develops scopes for future improvements to water quality initiatives and infrastructure.
The CFO also oversees the Authority’s involvement with the Texas Water Development Board’s regional water and flood planning programs. Every five years, these programs consolidate plans collected from sixteen regional groups throughout the state and they are consolidated into a State Plan for water supply and flood prevention. NRA serves as the administrative agency for the Coastal Bend Regional Water Planning Group (Region N) and the Nueces Regional Flood Planning Group (Region 13) and serves as a voting member of the South-Central Texas Regional Water Planning Group (Region L).