Nueces River Authority initiated the planning, environmental clearance, land acquisition, design, and construction, of the Leakey Regional Wastewater System. The project serves the City of Leakey and surrounding area which includes the Twin Forks and Wood Hollow Subdivisions.
The Texas Water Development Board issued the loan forgiveness/grant commitment in October 2011 for a total of $9,961,460.00 and in December 2015, an Economically Disadvantaged Area Program grant commitment was issued for $16,547,000.00.
Today, the Leakey Regional Wastewater System owned by the Nueces River Authority is complete and operational.
The system consists of approximately 12.4 miles of wastewater collection system pipe, 7 lift stations, one sequencing batch reactor type wastewater treatment plant with the current capacity to treat 250,000 gallons per day expandable up to 400,000 gallons per day, 2 effluent holding ponds, and 193 acres of treated effluent spray fields.
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