The Nueces River Authority Board of Directors adopts bylaws and policies for the organization. The Governor appoints the President of the Board. The Board elects the 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents, Secretary/Treasurer, and an At-Large Member of the Executive Committee. The President appoints committee chairs and committee members. In addition to the Executive Committee, the Board currently has the following committees:
Operations Committee – which supports the Board in matters relating to development and maintenance of programs and facilities for water supply, water conservation, water quality protection, wastewater reclamation, solid waste management, drainage, flood control, and parks and recreation.
Design & Construction Committee – supports the Board in providing oversight to projects that are under design or construction.
Administrative Committee – makes recommendations to the Board on administrative matters including personnel, policies and procedures, information technology, accounting and asset management, office space, public relations, records management, consultants, auditing, legal services, and other matters delegated by the President or the Board.
Flood & Drainage Committee – supports the Board by recommending policy matters with respect to proposed flood and storm water drainage divisions of the Authority.
Nominating Committee – supports the Board by recommending members for various Board committees.
Finance & Audit Committee – the bylaws provide that the Secretary-Treasurer chair the Finance and Audit Committee. This committee supports the Board by reviewing the Executive Director’s proposed budget prior to adoption, reviewing the annual audit and any recommendations prior to Board approval.
The Board of Directors also employs and sets the salary of the Executive Director who serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Authority. Under policies established by the Board and the Executive Committee, the Executive Director is responsible to the Board and the Executive Committee for:
(1) administering the directives of the Board and the Executive Committee;
(2) keeping the authority’s records, including minutes of meetings of the Board and the Executive Committee;
(3) coordinating with state, federal, and local agencies;
(4) developing plans and programs for the approval of the Board or the Executive Committee;
(5) hiring, supervising, training, and discharging the Authority’s employees authorized via the annual budget;
(6) contracting for or retaining technical, scientific, legal, fiscal, and other professional services, as authorized by the Board or the Executive Committee; and
(7) performing any other duties assigned by the Board or the Executive Committee.
The Organization currently has the following divisions:
(1) Finance & Administration – includes accounting, accounts payable and receivable, financial reporting, and human resource management.
(2) Resource Protection – includes management of programs for invasive species, riparian issues, and oversight of the Petronila Creek Implementation Plan, the Up To You (↑2U) Litter Prevention Program, as well as other contracted programs to protect source water quality.
(3) Water Quality – includes implementation of the Clean Rivers Program, On-site Septic Facilities Program, and other contracted water quality programs.
(4) Education – this division provides classroom training on the sources of water and water quality protection for 5th and 7th graders within the basin.
(5) Utilities – operations the Authorities Leakey Regional Wastewater System and contracted utilities operations.
(6) Planning – provides support and oversight of the Region 13 – Nueces Flood Planning Group and the
Region “N” – Coastal Bend Water Planning Group. Provides oversight and compliance with the
Authority’s Strategic Plan as well as providing insight for the growth of the organization.
The Organizational Chart outlines the reporting relationships of the various divisions.