Streamlined Science TEKS Adopted by the State Board of Education, effective August 27, 2018
Science TEKS reviewed and covered by Nueces River Authority
Kindergarten TEKS
K.1(B), K.2(A), K.2(E), K.3(A), K.3(B), K.3(C), K.6(D), K.7(B), K.7(C), K.9(B)
Key Points: Impact of littering; water as a natural resource and basic need
First Grade TEKS
1.1(B), 1.2(A), 1.2(C), 1.2(E), 1.3(A), 1.3(B), 1.6(A), 1.6(C), 1.7(B), 1.9(C)
Key Points: streams, lakes, oceans, conservation and reuse or recycling of paper, plastic, and metals
Second Grade TEKS
2.1(B), 2.2(A), 2.2(E), 2.2(F), 2.3(A), 2.3(C), 2.5(B), 2.7(B), 2.7(C), 2.9(A), 2.9(B), 2.9(C)
Key Points: fresh water and salt water; how living things are affected by their environment
Third Grade TEKS
3.1(B), 3.2(F), 3.3(A), 3.3(B), 3.3(C), 3.5(B), 3.5(C), 3.6(A), 3.6(C), 3.7(A), 3.7(C)
Key Points: states of matter (water, solid, liquid, gas); intro to condensation (prelim to water cycle)
Fourth Grade TEKS
4.1(B), 4.2(A), 4.3(A), 4.3(B), 4.3(C), 4.5(A), 4.6(A), 4.7(A), 4.7(B), 4.7(C), 4.8(B), 4.9(B), 4.10(A)
Key Points: water cycle (now introduced in 4th grade); importance of models and their limitations
Fifth Grade TEKS – First Science STAAR Test
5.1(B), 5.2(D), 5.2(F), 5.3(A), 5.5(A), 5.5(C), 5.7(B), 5.9(A), 5.9(B), 5.9(C)
Key Points: land forms as a result of changes by water and wind; sun and oceans interaction in water cycle;
impact of humans on ecosystem
Key Point for all grade levels: make informed choices in the conservation, disposal, and recycling of materials
Sixth Grade TEKS
6.1(B), 6.2(B), 6.2(E), 6.3(B), 6.3(C), 6.8(B), 6.12(F)
Key Points: advantages and limitations of models representing the real world; ecosystems
Seventh Grade TEKS
7.1(B), 7.3(B), 7.3(C), 7.4(A), 7.5(B), 7.8(A), 7.8(B), 7.8(C), 7.10(B)
Key Points: effects of human activity on groundwater and surface water in a watershed; weathering, erosion, and
Eighth Grade TEKS – Second Science STAAR Test
8.1(B), 8.2(B), 8.2(E), 8.3(A), 8.3(B), 8.3(C), 8.9(C), 8.11(B), 8.11(C)
Key Points: topographic maps, runoff water, effects of short and long-term environmental changes